Guns, lions, illusions and shallow graves all feature in this documentary, available on May 28, 2019.
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., May 20, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Guns, lions, illusions and shallow graves all feature when Vision Films Inc. and Ghost Pictures proudly present the new documentary, Method of Murder. Directed by Elliot Manarin (Living My Illusion), this entertaining new film follows British author, Jacky Rom, as she undertakes research for her new book, “From Vegas to Villainy,” in an unforgettable fashion with a trip to Las Vegas to investigate a murder in Sin City. Method of Murder will be released on DVD and VOD for the first time on May 28, 2019, to coincide with the release of “From Vegas to Villainy.”
Jacky Rom, who is an author, publisher, radio host and founder of the Scene II Performing Arts Academy, jets off to L.A. and Las Vegas on a fact-finding mission to investigate murder weapons, deception and body disposal methods, in order to help inspire her latest crime novel. Method of Murder delves into the many ways a fictitious killer may commit a heinous crime, how they may get away with it and the implications of doing it in the city known all too for well for its shady history, Las Vegas! We get to see a lady in her late fifties getting hands-on with her research, shooting guns, digging (very) shallow graves and leading us on a journey through her creative process.
Since writing her first play at 17, Jacky has written and published more than 10 books worldwide, including two children's series, and bestselling crime novel "From Makeup to Murder." More information on Jacky can be found via http://www.jackyrom.com.
Method of Murder will be available May 28, 2019, on digital for an SRP of $4.99-$9.99 for Rent or to Buy across all platforms and to Buy on DVD for $12.99.
Of working on Method of Murder, director Elliot Manarin says, “Murder is a grisly topic, and I wanted to bring the subject to an audience without all the nastiness and shock factor, which has been overdone in recent years. Our main aim was to show people what goes into researching material for a novel, what it takes to get to know your story matter and the dedication needed to create an accurate story.”
“As one would expect, Method of Murder is a truly entertaining venture into one of two of the USA’s most intriguing cities,” said producer, Dean Mohr. “There were many surprises along the road which made this film such a thrill to work on.”
“As an author and radio host, Jacky Rom has such a unique and interesting voice,” says Vision Films CEO/Managing Director, Lise Romanoff. “It's a true pleasure to see her wit and tenacity come to life on screen in Method of Murder.”
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/method-of-murder/id1458420684?ls=1
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/methodofmurder
We are pleased to present Method of Murder for review and editorial inclusion. Screeners and interviews are available upon request.
Nicole Newton-Plater
For Vision Films
Source: Vision Films